3D Printing

3D Printing

Multi Jet Fusion(MJF) 3D Printing

Multi Jet Fusion (MJF) is an advanced 3D printing process that can speedily produce accurate, complex and detailed parts from powdered thermoplastics. MJF parts have high tensile strength and fine feature resolution, making them perfect for complex industrial parts. Developed by HP, this relatively new 3D printing technology is perfect for creating functional prototyping and ......

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 3D Printing

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) is an industrial 3D printing process that is ideal for manufacturing end-use parts. In SLS, a laser selectively sinters polymer powder particles, fusing them together and building a part layer-by-layer. With some of the largest print beds, SLS machines can produce functional plastic parts with isotropic mechanical properties for detailed prototyping or low-volume production of end-use parts.  SLS is a cost-efficient production method, which our customers regularly choose for the most complex parts and those requiring extensive customization.

Selective Laser Melting(SLM) 3D Printing

Scanning the metal powder bed with laser light, the powder will be melted and solidified into metal parts. The density of standard metal parts printed by SLM is over 99%, while the mechanical properties of SLM printed parts are as good as those manufactured by traditional processes. Moreover, parts with complex structures or parts that need to be lightweight designed can be easily manufactured with SLM.

Stereolithography (SLA)

Stereolithography (SLA), also known as resin 3D printing, is a 3D printing technology that produces parts with high resolution and accuracy, fine details and smooth surface finishes. Part of the vat photopolymerization printing family, SLA technology uses photosensitive thermoset polymers to produce custom parts. We use Formlabs materials for rapid prototyping and 3D Systems Accura materials for large-scale production.

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